Pressure ulcer prevention protocol
Each year, more than 2.5 million people in the U.S. develop pressure injuries, with about 60,000 patients dying as a direct result
Pressure injuries have been estimated to cost a facility USD 10,669 per occurrence
Lower HAPU rates translate into lower overall costs. Mölnlycke’s Mepilex® Border dressings showed a reduction in HAPUs from 3.8% to 0.5% in a randomized clinical trial when the dressing was added to the usual prevention protocol
Can pressure ulcers be avoided?
Noted pressure injury expert Joyce Black wrote the foreword of `Role of multi-layer foam dressings with Safetac® in the prevention of pressure ulcers: a review of the clinical and scientific data´
`Pressure ulcers in critically ill patients have often been described as unavoidable. However, the findings of studies on a bordered sacral foam dressing, when used prophylactically as part of a PU prevention strategy, have changed the paradigm of unavoidability in these patients.´
`Before 1990, the PU incidence in this patient group averaged 33%, with the ulcers often perceived as inevitable or unavoidable. Even with the advent of better support surfaces in the next decade, the incidence did not change much, ranging between 8% and 40%
`Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted in the ICU by Santamaria et al.

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