Pressure ulcer prevention in the OR
When a patient enters the hospital for surgery, they don’t expect to leave with a pressure ulcer. Yet that is the outcome for 12% to 66% of surgical patients who acquire a pressure ulcer intraoperatively.

Who is at risk?
A number of factors increase risk of perioperative pressure ulcers, including the type of procedure, surgery duration and patient health.
Procedures lasting longer than 3 hours have been shown to substantially increase incidents of damage to skin and underlying tissue.
OR-acquired damage often presents as a deep tissue pressure injury (DTPI) which may not appear until 48 to 72 hours after surgery.
Mölnlycke’s solution for OR pressure ulcer prevention
Mölnlycke Health Care offers head-to-heel solutions to help prevent pressure ulcers across the continuum of care. Proven Mepilex® Border dressings are engineered to specifically address the extrinsic factors that contribute to pressure ulcers – pressure, shear, friction and microclimate. Innovative turning and positioning products are uniquely designed to help protect patients by redistributing pressure over a greater surface area and maintain neutral body alignment.
Trust the evidence
Mepilex Border is the proven 5-layer foam prevention dressing with over 70 evidence pieces, including the world’s largest published study
Evidence from the University of Virginia Health System demonstrate the effectiveness of Mepilex Border in preventing pressure ulcers during surgery.
Supine positioning – ZERO pressure ulcers were observed in 71 supine-positioned thoracic and cardiac patients, compared to a historical rate of 16.7%.
Prone positioning – ZERO pressure ulcers were observed in 104 prone-positioned complex spinal patients when Mepilex Border was placed over the chest and iliac crest prior to placement on a Jackson table. The control group with no dressings suffered 12 ulcers for an incidence rate of 10.5%.