Respecting human rights
Due to our global footprint, we can have a major direct and indirect impact, both positive and negative, on human rights in our own operations, as well as across our value chain – for example in the way we treat our own employees or how suppliers comply with labour rights. Therefore, we continuously identify, assess and address potential and actual adverse human rights impacts, taking into account their severity and probability.

We operate in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It defines human rights as the internationally recognised human rights including labour rights as stated in the International Bill of Human Rights and in the
International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We have a set of relevant policies and programs in place to ensure that human rights are respected, including:
- Code of Conduct, which includes anti-discrimination and antiharassment, anti-corruption and anti-bribery topics
- Sustainability policy.
We also have a program for compliance with competition law, as well as targeted training on business ethics and compliance risks, including bribery and corruption risks.
Each year we produce a ‘Statement on slavery and human trafficking’. It states key policies, due diligence processes, how ongoing risks are managed and monitors effectiveness and training in this area over the last financial year.
Norwegian Transparency Act 2023
Read Mölnlycke's statement according to the Norwegian Transparency Act and contact us for any information requests.
Norwegian Transparency Act 2023
We have zero tolerance for any type of discriminatory behaviour and harassment, human trafficking or any type of forced labour. Clear management procedures are in place in all countries where we operate to ensure that employees are treated fairly, according to ethical standards, and in accordance with applicable regulations. We work in close collaboration with unions and local representatives to continuously ensure safe and respectful workplaces.
We expect our partners to act in the same responsible and ethical way. Our Supplier Code of Conduct is designed to ensure responsible business operations and respect for human rights in the supply chain, including human rights, employee relations and health and safety. Compliance with these principles is a key factor when choosing suppliers and business partners. If any issues of concern are identified, we work with the partner to investigate those issues and, where necessary, encourage the development of higher standards. If the partner does not change behaviour, we will move away from using them whenever possible.
Read how we work with our business partners
We continually monitor our efforts to meet our own standards, as well as the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders. We report annually on our progress to the UN Global Compact. All reporting, including disclosure on human rights, connected communities, working conditions, discrimination and harassment in our operations, and modern slavery at the company level, is carried out in accordance with local reporting requirements on non-financial information.
The company’s commitment is led from the top. The Executive Leadership Team is responsible for ensuring that we operate in line with our core values, including the commitment to respect human rights. The day-to-day responsibility for Mölnlycke's human rights performance lies with the People function, which works intensively together with all the business areas and other functions.

Mölnlycke ethics hotline
The Ethics Hotline enables internal and external stakeholders to report concerns and grievances or any other suspected violations of laws, policies and procedures or inappropriate behaviour. Topics of reports can include issues such as, but not limited to, fraud, corruption, working environment issues and discrimination.