Hibi® Antiseptic Solutions
Leading the fight against Infections
by elevating patient bathing practices
We aim to create a world without Healthcare Associated and Surgical Site Infections
Providing healthcare professionals with easy-to-use, effective solutions to remove microorganisms from the skin, elevating their patient bathing standards.
Lasting Protection & Simplified Care: Our 4% CHG solution, along with our dry washcloths, provides lasting protection by binding to the skin even after rinsing, while simplifying patient bathing protocols without the need for special storage or warming machines.
Comprehensive Solutions: Observational studies reveal that adding daily patient bathing to infection prevention protocols effectively reduces HAI rates. From Pre-op to post-op our Hibiclens and Hibi Universal Bathing System solutions are designed to provide patient satisfaction while supporting these protocols to help reduce HAIs. 2,4
Skin-Friendly: Our products offer powerful antiseptic action with low skin irritability, ensuring comfort and confidence for patients.7

1 in 31 hospital patients has at least one healthcare- associated infection.1

Patients with SSI have 2-11 times higher risk of death compared to operative patients without SSI.5
60% of Surgical Site Infections are preventable.6
Discover how HIBI® can transform your infection prevention protocols. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can benefit your healthcare facility in every step of the patient’s journey.
Do you know the real cost and scale of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)?
Our Hidden Risk Factors eBook provides a comprehensive look at the real cost and scale of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) beyond the ICU. Learn how to protect your patients and improve your healthcare facility with effective infection prevention protocols to support you in your fight against HAIs. Download now to make a difference.
Our 4% CHG skin cleansing solution trusted by Healthcare Professionals.6,9,10
Persistent Protection
Binds to the skin for lasting antiseptic action. 6,9
Gentle on Skin
Comparable to water in terms of irritation potential. 6,9
Effective Cleansing
Removes dirt, debris, and bacterial spores without leaving a sticky residue.10
Versatile Use
Ideal for patients bathing in pre-op and post-op settings, surgical hand scrubs, and healthcare personnel handwashing.
Universal Bathing System (HUBS)
Promotes standardization by reducing the need for linens and bath wipes while eliminating reusable basins. 8
Cross-Contamination Reduction
Reduces the risk of cross-contamination associated with reusable basins.8
Ease of Use
Practical solution that does not require expensive warming machines or special storage. Simply add water and use the appropriate soap. 8
Flexible Options
Available in 10-packs for larger facilities and 5-packs for smaller populations, including pediatrics. 8
What Our Customers Say
“Skin prep is the most important thing, because If I am going to poke a patient I could enter stuff into the bloodstream, If I have not cleansed the area around it, everything on the surrounding skin could go into the patient’s bloodstream. So that is why I say that is the most important because that could lead the quickest to an infection.”
Natalie, Nurse. – US
“Right now, we’re trying to identify high-risk people for MRSA, and we give them a bath in CHG every day”.
Betty, Infection Prevention & Control Manager. – US
“With HIBI Universal Bathing System everything you need is there. It has become very handy for providers, because to me we do not need to go to the medical supply room and go shop … I would say (I save), 5 to 10 minutes in terms of the time”.
Hua, Nurse - US
CDC’s 2022 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Progress Report - https://www.cdc.gov/healthcare-associated-infections/php/data/index.html
REF. Chapman, L., Hargett, L., Anderson, T., Galluzzo, J. and Zimand, P., 2021. Chlorhexidine Gluconate Bathing Program to Reduce Health Care-Associated Infections in Both Critically Ill and Non-Critically Ill Patients. Critical Care Nurse, 41[5], pp. e1-e8.
REF: Patient Safety Network, ‘Surgical Infections,’ September 7, 2026.
OTHER REF: Bathing Basics eBook, 2023 & Global Marketing Plan 2024.
Michael S. Calderwood MD, MPH1,a, Deverick J. Anderson MD, MPH2,a , Dale W. Bratzler DO, MPH3,E. Patchen Dellinger MD4 , Sylvia Garcia-Houchins RN, MBA, CIC5, Lisa L. Maragakis MD, MPH6 ,Ann-Christine Nyquist MD, MSPH7, Kiran M. Perkins MD, MPH8, Michael Anne Preas RN, MS, CIC9 ,Lisa Saiman MD, MPH10 , Joshua K. Schaffzin MD, PhD11 , Marin Schweizer PhD12 , Deborah S. Yokoe MD, MPH13and Keith S. Kaye MD, MPH14,b. -
REF: Hibi Total Value 2024 Brochure - 2024
REF: The Joint Commission’s NPSG.07.05.01: Prevention of Surgical Site Infections Report: https://www.jointcommission.org/-/media/tjc/documents/resources/hai/implementation_guide_for_npsg_ssipdf.pdf
REF: Hubs 5-pack & 10- pack one pager.
REF: Hibiclens’s Cleansing Power Report 2024.
REF: Power of the bath Brochure – Jan, 2024