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The 28th European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Conference will be held in Krakow, Poland from 9-11 May 2018, with the theme ‘New Frontiers in Wound Management’. 

The EWMA conference offers high-level scientific presentations, networking activities and an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge with international colleagues. 

To read more about the congress and for registration, please visit:

Mölnlycke at EWMA

You’re more than welcome to grab a coffee with us at booth D304 – follow our lab tests and their amazing results; and witness some of our most exciting launches to date.

Mölnlycke Symposium A (English)
10 May, 10.00-11.00
Title: Novel technology for advanced wound dressings – first clinical outcomes from an international multi-disciplinary perspective
Speaker: Paul Chadwick
Chair: Karen Ousey

Mölnlycke Symposium B (English)
9 May, 15.30-16.30
Title: Complex Acute Wounds - Skin Tears (ISTAP)
Speakers: Kimberly LeBlanc, Karen Campbel and Kevin Woo

Mölnlycke Symposium C (Polish)
10 May, 16.00-17.00

  • Dostępne techniki zmiany opatrunków – gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy? - Agnieszka Wołowicz
  • Opatrunki z Ag – do czego pasuje srebro? - Dr. Marcin Malka
  • Ambulatoryjny przeszczep skóry – szybki kurs dla początkujących. - Dr. Bartosz Ziemiecki
  • Opatrunki okluzyjne – kiedy musi być szczelnie? - Dr. Marcin Malka

Register for our symposia through the form on this page.

Location: EXPO Krakow

The EXPO is located 7 km from the city center and there a buses organised by the EWMA organisation that will take you to and from the congress during the three days.

EXPO Krakow
31-586 Krakow, Poland
9 Galicyjska Street

Please email if you have any questions regarding the EWMA Congress.

Read more about EWMA

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