Assess and set targets
We analyse your pressure injury incidence, challenges and opportunities, and align on target focus areas.
Define strategy
We craft an improvement plan that addresses high-risk areas, streamlines the protocol and designs for consistency of care.
We deliver tailored and engaging educational tools, interactive guides and in-servicing by local team.
We present easy-to-use-models and launch the strategy with ongoing support at every step from our highly skilled local teams.
Evaluate and optimise
We check-in on progress and refine the program to ensure continuous ROI and collective success.

Explore the full scope of Total Protection
In addition to our comprehensive HAPI Reduction PathwayTM program, Total Protection also offers two other essential components designed to elevate your standard of care: the Head to Heel™ solution bundles, and the Spot Check™ compliance audit.

Your Bundled Solution Bundles
Our prophylactic dressings and positioning products prevent hospital-acquired pressure injuries, saving patients from suffering and reducing staff hours and hospital bed-days. Use our clinically proven solution bundles for comprehensive head-to-heel coverage and improved patient outcomes1, 2, 3, 4.

Your Compliance Audit
The best way to reduce hospital-acquired pressure injuries is to consistently follow prevention protocols. Our Spot Check compliance audit helps you monitor compliance rates, accurate par levels, and staff proficiency, ensuring processes run smoothly and addressing any issues to maintain high standards.
Get started today
Let our Total Protection help you elevate your wound care practices. Reach out to your Mölnlycke representative today to learn how our integrated approach can make a difference for your patients and your facility. Together, we can achieve superior outcomes.
- Santamaria N, et al. Clinical effectiveness of a silicone foam dressing for the prevention of heel pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: Border II Trial. Journal of Wound Care, 2013; 24(8).
- Santamaria N, et al. A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of soft silicone foam multi-layer dressings in the prevention of sacral and heel pressure ulcers in trauma and critically ill patients: the border trial. Int Wound J 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/iwj.12101.
- Kalowes P, et al. Five-layered soft silicone foam dressing to prevent pressure ulcers in the intensive care unit. Am J Crit Care. 2016;25(6):e108-e119.
- Padula William V. Effectiveness and value of prophylactic 5-layer foam sacral dressings to prevent hospital-acquired pressure injuries in acute care hospitals an observational cohort study. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017;44(5):1-6.