Total Protection™
Heel Prevention Bundle
Mepilex® Border Heel I Z-Flex® Fluidized Heel Boot
The Head Prevention Bundle features Mepilex Border Heel Dressing, which has shown a 100% reduction in heel pressure injuries in observational studies.1-3 Combined with the Z-Flex Fluidized Heel Boot, this bundle delivers exceptional value for both patients and caregivers, ensuring optimal protection, comfort, and prevention of heel pressure injuries.

Mepilex® Border Heel
Mepilex Border Heel features Deep Defense™ Technology, offering superior cushioning and minimizing shear forces. A study demonstrated zero heel pressure injuries when using Mepilex Border Heel prophylactically, resulting in significant cost avoidance.
Fluidized Heel Boot
The Mölnlycke Z-Flex Heel Boot ensures optimal comfort and 100% reduction in heel pressure injuries.1,2 Its user-friendly design promotes reliable offloading, enhancing patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

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1. Santamaria N., et al. Clinical effectiveness of a silicone foam dressing for the prevention of heel pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: Border II Trial. Journal of Wound Care, 2013; 24(8).
2. Tyson, LP. Study First: Driving the Case for Improving Hospital Wound Care. Poster Presentation at SAWC 2019, San Antonio, TX. 2. Mölnlycke Health Care. Mepilex Border Flex Product Manual – Conformability PD-528870. Data on file.
3. Recke, C., Davis, T., & Clemmons, T. (2019). Keeping It Heeled – Heel Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment in Long Term Care. Ethica Health. Poster: SAWC 2019. 4. Macartney, K., & Patek, D. (2018). Reduce the pressure – reduce the injury. St. Vincents Healthcare. NTI 2018.